'_hardresume func'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2021.06.30 Watcom C Library : halloc, _harderr, _hardresume, _hdopen




Watcom C Library Reference : halloc, _harderr, _hardresume, _hdopen







Synopsis : #include <malloc.h> 

              void  __huge *halloc( long int numb, size_t size );


Description : The halloc function allocates space for an array of numb objects of size bytes each and initializes each object to 0. When the size of the array is greater than 64K bytes, then the size of an array element must be a power of 2 since an object could straddle a segment boundary.



Returns : The halloc function returns a far pointer (of type void huge *) to the start of the allocated memory. The NULL value is returned if there is insufficient memory available. The NULL value is also returned if the size of the array is greater than 64K bytes and the size of an array element is not a power of 2.



See Also : calloc Functions, _expand Functions, free Functions, hfree, malloc Functions, _msize Functions, realloc Functions, sbrk


Example :

#include <stdio.h> 

#include <malloc.h>

void main( )

    long int  __huge *big_buffer;

    big_buffer = ( long int __huge * ) halloc( 1024L, sizeof( long ) );

    if( big_buffer == NULL ) {
        printf( "Unable to allocate memory\n" );

    } else {
        /* rest of code goes here */

        hfree ( big_buffer ); 
/* deallocate */




Classification : WATCOM
Systems : DOS/16, Win/16, QNX/16, OS/2 1.x(all)






_harderr, _hardresume


Synopsis : #include <dos.h> 

              void _harderr( int ( __far *funcptr ) ( ) );

              void _hardresume( int action );


Description : The _harderr routine installs a critical error handler (for INT 0x24) to handle hardware errors. This critical error handler will call the function specified by funcptr when a critical error occurs (for example, attempting to open a file on a floppy disk when the drive door is open). The parameters to this function are as follows:
    int handler( unsigned deverror, unsigned errcode, unsigned __far *devhdr );

The low-order byte of errcode can be one of the following values:

 Value  Meaning
 0x00  Attempt to write to a write-protected disk
 0x01  Unknown unit
 0x02   Drive not ready
 0x03  Unknown command
 0x04  CRC error in data
 0x05  Bad drive-request structure length
 0x06  Seek error
 0x07  Unknown media type
 0x08  Sector not found
 0x09  Printer out of paper
 0x0A  Write fault
 0x0B  Read fault
 0x0C  General failure

The devhdr argument points to a device header control-block that contains information about the device on which the error occurred. Your error handler may inspect the information in this control-block but must not change it.


If the error occurred on a disk device, bit 15 of the deverror argument will be 0 and the deverror argument will indicate the following:

 Bit  Meaning
 bit 15  0 indicates disk error 
 bit 14  not used
 bit 13  0 indicates "Ignore" response not allowed
 bit 12  0 indicates "Retry" response not allowed
 bit 11  0 indicates "Fail" response not allowed
 bit 9,10  location of error
 bit 8  Value       Meaning
  00             MS-DOS
  01             File Allocation Table (FAT)
  10             Directory
  11             Data area O indicates read error, 1 indicates write error


The low-order byte of deverror indicates the drive where the error occurred; (0 = drive A, 1 = drive B, etc.).

The handler is very restricted in the type of system calls that it can perform. System calls 0x01 through 0x0C, and 0x59 are the only system calls allowed to be issued by the handler. Therefore, many of the standard C run-time functions such as stream I/O and low-level I/O cannot be used by the handler. Console I/O is allowed (eg. cprintf, cputs).

The handler must indicate what action to take by returning one of the following values or calling _hardresume with one of the following values:

 Value  Meaning
_HARDERR_IGNORE  Ignore the error
_HARDERR_RETRY  Retry the operation
_HARDERR_ABORT  Abort the program issuing INT 0x23
_HARDERR_FAIL Fail the system call that is in progress (DOS 3.0 or higher)


See The MS-DOS Encyclopedia for more detailed information on determining the type of error that has occurred.



Returns : The _harderr routine does not return a value.



See Also : _chain_intr, _dos_getvect, _dos_setvect


Example :

#include <stdio.h> 

#include <conio.h> 

#include <dos.h>

int __far critical_error_handler( unsigned deverr, unsigned errcode, unsigned far *devhdr )

    cprintf( "Critical error: " );

    cprintf( "deverr=%4.4x errcode=%d\r\n", deverr, errcode ); 

    cprintf( "devhdr = %Fp\r\n", devhdr ) ;

    return( _HARDERR_IGNORE );



void main( )

    FILE     *fp;

    _harderr( critical_error_handler );

    fp = fopen( "a:tmp.tmp", "r" );

    printf( "fp = %p\n", fp );



produces the following :
Critical error: deverr=1A00 errcode=2 

devhdr = 0070:01b6 

fp = 0000


Classification : DOS
Systems : _harderr - DOS

             _hardresume - DOS








Synopsis : #include <io.h> 

              int _hdopen( int os_handle, int mode );


Description : The _hdopen function takes a previously opened operating system file handle specified by os_handle and opened with access and sharing specified by mode, and creates a POSIX-style file handle.



Returns : The _hdopen function returns the new POSIX-style file handle if successful. Otherwise, it returns -1.



See Also : close, fdopen, open, _os_handle


Example :

#include <stdio.h> 

#include <dos.h> 

#include <fcntl.h>

#include <io.h>

void main( )

    int     dos_handle;

    int     handle;


    if( _dos_open( "file", O_RDONLY, &dos_handle ) != 0 ) {
        printf( "Unable to open file\n" );

    } else {

        handle = _hdopen( dos_handle, O_RDONLY );

        if( handle != -1 ) {
            write( handle, "hello\n", 6);

            close( handle );





Classification : WATCOM
Systems : All










This manual describes the WATCOM C library for DOS, Windows, and OS/2, It includes the Standard C Library (as defined in the ANSI C Standard).


WATCOM C Language Reference manual describes the ANSI C Programming language and extensions to it which are supported by WATCOM C/C++ (32bit)






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